Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's the season -- for revolution!

From Reel Wamps
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
It's the season -- for revolution!

Have you followed the news about the small city of Bell, California? They are the city of 40,000 west of LA with the big pay scandal. Bell, to give you an idea of the size, is just slightly less populous than the town of Barnstable. The city manager was getting $787,000 per year -- over $15,000 a week. The police chief and assistant city manager were getting equally ridiculous pay. This was in a city where the average citizen earns about $28,000 per year, and there is a high rate of poverty.

Naturally there was a revolt. People were angry and rightfully so. Those three are gone, and there will be investigations. What about us? Here we are a small tribe of about 2,000 souls, yet we have Tribal Council members giving themselves six figure salaries, for what? Governor Deval Patrick makes about $140,000, but he has a heck of a lot more responsibility than Cedric Cromwell or any of the others. Don't let them tell you that their salaries are confidential, or none of your business, you will eventually have to pay that money back -- at 15% interest.

We need our own taxpayer revolt, at the next election for sure, but also right now. Put pressure on the Council to come clean and to give the "transparency" that they were harping on when they were running for office. If they don't respond, demand their immediate resignations.
Posted by Ebenezer Attaquin at 11:20 AM Labels: cedric cromwell Mashpee wampanoag corruption

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